
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

MyNino - Child Tracking Mobile Application, Children GPS Tracking Apps for Android & Blackberry

MyNino - Child Tracking Mobile Application, Children GPS Tracking Apps for Android & Blackberry

Friday, September 11, 2009


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Schedule of exam

10 apr - AI - 3 to 6
11 apr - ES - "
15 apr - Cyber Law - "
16 apr - UML - "

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Microsoft Certified

Thursday, February 07, 2008



Thursday, July 05, 2007

Meanings - Different of Roses

Language of Roses - the different meaning of rose colors.

Expressing feelings of love, affection, friendship, thankfulness, joy and several other feelings that makes your life beautiful and rewarding is not always easy.Some peoples uses poetry, roses and many other things to express their feelings. However sending the appropriate rose color bouquet convey messages in a very special and beautiful way.Roses can be sent to any one for any reasons or feelings mentioned above, be they wife or husband, friend or lover, mom or dad, grandma or grandpa or your favourite actor / actresses. No limitations applied when you are sending roses

Learn The Meaning of Rose Colors to Send Correct Rose.

RED roses show love, passion and respect. Red roses of any color say "I love you"; deep red roses imply unconscious beauty. PINK roses communicate happiness, appreciation, admiration, friendship, sympathy.
LIGHT PINK roses denote grace, joy, gentility and admiration. DARK PINK roses are to signify thankfulness.

LAVENDER symbolizes love at first sight and enchantment.

WHITE roses signify spiritual love and purity; but of the soul; bridal white means happy love. White roses can also signify secrecy reverence humility, innocence, or charm. YELLOW shows "I care"; friendship, joy, gladness or freedom.

CORAL roses imply desire. PEACH roses indicate modesty.

ORANGE roses display a feeling of enthusiasm, desire and fascination. WHITE and RED roses mixed together signify unity.

RED and YELLOW roses together say "Congratulations! "

YELLOW and ORANGE roses in combination imply passionate thoughts.

Other Messages / Meanings For Different Combination of Roses

Delicate and Beautiful, the rose is the principal messenger of love.

A single rose denotes "I still Love you"

Two Roses of any color taped or wired together signify a commitment or forthcoming marriage.

In general, pale-colored roses signify friendship.

12 Roses - Gratitude

25 Roses - Congratulations

50 Roses - Unconditional Love

With roses and flowers there are no limitations as to what can be expressed. The colors and aromas of the different types of roses all have their unique place the history of human expression. Knowing the specific meaning of a rose only enhances the experience of sending and receiving rose and flower bouquets.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Number and Meaning

Zero is a powerful number which brings great transformational change, sometimes occurring in a profound manner. It has much intensity, so caution is needed wherever it appears to ensure that extremes are not encountered.

One Is considered to be a primordial unity. The beginning. The Creator. It the First Cause or as some cultures refer, the First Mover. One is the sum of all possibilities. It is essence, the Center. One is referred to isolation. One springs forth, upsurges. It is seen as the number that gives cause to duality as multiplicity and back to final unity.

Two is duality, the shakta-shakti

Three The Trimurti, the triple power of creation, destruction, preservation, of unfolding, maintaining and concluding. There are various trinities of gods. The moon chariot has three wheels

Four is Totality; plenitude; perfection. Brahma, the Creator is four faced. The temple is based on the four sides of the square, symbolizing order and finality. There are four tattvas the four bodies bodies of human and kingdoms of nature which are animal, vegetable, mineral, mind. There are four yugas. Four is the winning throw of the dice. There are four castes and pairs of opposites.

Five is the quinary groups of the world; the five elements of the subtle and coarse states; their primary colors; of senses; five faces of Siva and the twice-five incarnations of Vishnu.

Six represents Universe, with its four cardinal points and the above and below making it a total of six directions. Chinese culture there are six senses: tastse, touch, smell, sight, hearing, the sixth being mind. The day and night each have six periods.

Seven is the number of the Universe. It is the three of the heavens (soul) combined with the four (body) of the earth; being the first number containing both the spiritual and the temporal.

Eight 8x8 symbolism is the order of the celestial world established on earth. Temples are built on the pattern of the MANDALA, which is the 8x8 symbol. In their belief system there are eight regions of the world, suns, divisions of the day, and eight chakras. Chinese system of belief eight represents the whole. It is all possibilities in manifestation. Eight is seen as a good luck number. The PAKUA is the design depicting the eight trigrams and pairs of opposites, usually in a circle, the circumference of which symbolizes time and space. There are eight delights of human existence.

Nine is the number of Agni, fire. The square of the nine forms the mandala of eighty-one squares and leads to, and encloses the Universe.It is the Triple Triad - Completion; fulfillment; attainment; beginning and the end; the whole number; a celestial and angelic number - the Earthly Paradise. It is the number of the circumference, its division into 90 degrees and into 360 for the entire circumference. Nine is symbolized by the two triangles which are a symbol of male, fire, mountain and female, water, cave principles.